Sheila Jo Spencer

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World of Clogging Workshop 2018, now with puffy eyes!

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FUN FACT: World of Clogging instructors make fabulous babysitters. Jeff, Johanna, and Corinne should start Baby-sitter's Club: Clogger Edition. I would totally read that book series!

How do I know about their babysitting skills? From experience, unfortunately. 

I checked into the World of Clogging host hotel late Thursday night, grabbed takeout from a nearby Indian restaurant, and sat down for a feast of spicy deliciousness! 

Alas, I discovered a new allergy within the appetizer. I took medication immediately, but needed adult supervision in case further medical attention became necessary. None of my teammates were coming until Friday morning...

Jeff, Johanna, and Corinne answered my distress call with an invitation to hang out in the instructors' suite. I arrived to find them hard at work organizing music for the workshop and making necessary substitutions due to Naomi's absence. Under normal circumstances, this behind-the-scenes view of workshop prep would be fascinating!

Once the symptoms started to subside, I returned to my own room to sleep and sleep and sleep in a Benadryl haze until finally joining teammates for Morgan Hudson's 4:00 class on Friday.

Many thanks to the Clogging Baby-sitters Club for their assistance! (And to teammate Randi, who found Jeff's phone number for me.)

This is the only actual Baby-sitters Club book I found relating to dance, so the need for a clogger edition is clear:

Better get to writing, guys! 

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After missing almost the entire day of Friday classes, I was more than ready for the evening fun dance.

When in doubt, try to follow the Hudsons. They know all the steps!

Lycan kept up with his dad on the dance floor; not an easy task.

I don't recall which song this was, but it had several routines choreographed to it. Jackie and Susan's version looked like the most fun. Loved watching them!

My vote for smartest clogger in the room goes to the lady with the fancy fan. The fan is way cuter than my sweat towel!

Clogging shoes may help, but they are clearly not a necessity when one is ready to bust out a dance!

The highlight of the night was watching "Mamacita" with Peter Wee, who taught the routine earlier that day. Barb Elko passed out accessories such as maracas and hats to add to the spirit of the dance.

And a good time was had by all!

The next post will cover Saturday at the workshop.  Thank you to the organizers, instructors, and fellow participants of the World of Clogging for making the event so enjoyable!

UPDATE/DISCLAIMER: I have already been scolded by a nurse/teammate for not seeking emergency medical attention for the allergy incident. She is absolutely correct, and I was lucky the symptoms didn't get worse. Don't follow my bad example! I have scheduled an appointment for additional allergy testing in the hopes of avoiding future surprises like this one.

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