In addition to clogging, I perform as half of the comedy skit team Otis & Daisy. Our skits tell the adventures of Daisy and her younger brother, Otis (played by clogging teammate Dustin Williams).
On many occasions, we need to borrow something random to use as a prop or complete a costume, and I've discovered the following:
1. My family and friends own weird stuff!
2. A little creativity goes a long way when coming up with props for cheap!
Here are ten examples:
Fortune teller's silver ball (Work with me, here - couldn't find a crystal ball!) is an oversized Christmas bulb which is part of my mother's outdoor holiday display. I dusted it off and pulled it out of my parents' basement early this year. Thanks, Mom!
Mothman mask borrowed from the Riverside Cloggers of Point Pleasant, WV. (I guess it's not that weird when the team hails from the home of Mothman!)
You can't see it well in this pic, but Otis' "secret ingredient" for the chili cook off is actually a dog toy made to look like a roadkill raccoon!
Borrowed "bathing suit" for Daisy has an interesting history, ha-ha. Borrowed flippers and metal detector have these siblings all set for a day at the swimmin' hole! (Thanks to Evie, Molly, Kristen & Johnny!)
Amazingly, no one took this, um, lovely dress during the clothing giveaway at my mom's church! It came in handy when Otis & Daisy were ring bearer and bridesmaid at their cousin's wedding!
Baseball gear borrowed from Mr. Marion when Grandpa & Daisy prepared Otis to try out for the Cincinnati Reds! (You've probably noticed he is not on the official roster...)
Otis & Daisy hire a personal trainer! Kettlebells and jump ropes on loan from a friend's gym... Thank you, Jackson Jiu-Jitsu and Fitness Academy!
Otis' letterman jacket belongs to a star athlete from my high school class. Many thanks to Tommy, who said I could borrow it, and to his wife Christy, who actually found it!
Dustin's niece loans us toys on a regular basis, although she is not always aware of it. Her Barbie toy computer showed up much better on stage than my plain black laptop. Thanks, Haley!
Cow costume made by Sabrena. Stuffed animal is another loan from Dustin's niece!
If you have ever loaned us a prop or costume for a skit, please know we appreciate it!
I see all kinds of props used by other teams at clogging competitions and shows. What is the most creative or strangest item you have ever created or borrowed for a performance?
(Hoping someone from my clogging team can post a picture of Kim wearing the mermaid tail or that amazing fruitcake created by Alice! I can't find photos of either right now.)
UPDATE: A book of Otis & Daisy scripts is now available!