Shopping for cloggers can be tough. Retail stores generally don't have a clogging section, so a little creativity and fancy footwork may be required. Here are a few Christmas gift ideas for the cloggers in your life:
(Disclosure: Amazon links on this page are affiliate links. You'll pay the same price for your purchase, and I will earn a small commission. This helps me pay for website hosting fees, etc.)
Custom Tee Shirt
Get your local tee shirt shop to create something special. Feature an inside joke or a phrase from your clogging studio.
The Riverside Cloggers from Point Pleasant, WV gifted their director with this tee shirt covered with her most commonly used phrases during dance class!
Alfred The Possum: On The Road With The Green Grass Cloggers
Full Disclosure: I have not yet read this book because I only discovered its existence while researching this blog post. I ordered it immediately! How have I not heard of this before?!
I was able to find a couple illustrations from the book online and they are gorgeous! (Sorry, don't have permission to post them here.) Will give you a full book review after it arrives! This book is also available on Etsy.
ADDENDUM: With permission from the illustrator, here are some examples of her awesome artwork in the Alfred The Possum book! (Pics taken from her facebook page.) Thanks, Madalyn!
Front/back wraparound of the cover.
Clogging Decor
Print and frame some cool clogging art, such as any meme from Tangled Feet Stompers!
"The Rules Of Dance" post from Tangled Feet Stompers on display at the front desk of Fancy Free Clogging Studio!
Subscription to Double Toe Times
Help your clogger keep up with the latest clogging news with a print or digital subscription to this well-known magazine. Subscription info is here:
Cat, Dog, Or Other Pet
Take your favorite clogger to the local animal rescue to pick out a furry friend! You can find clogging-inspired pet names here:
Clogging Shoes
Always a welcome gift! Just be sure you know the correct size and preferred style of shoes and taps!
Clogger's Journal
This book helps cloggers document details of performances and make notes about new routines. If this journal is too structured for your clogger's taste, a lovely blank journal works, too!
Show Essentials Kit
Put together a little bag of duct tape, shoe polish, safety pins, bobby pins, hair ties, sweat towel - whatever the recipient seems to need regularly at dance class or performances.
Gift Certificate For Clogging Classes
Is your clogger especially difficult to buy for? See if the studio offers gift certificates. A month or two of dance classes will be greatly appreciated!
What clogging gifts are you giving (or hoping to receive) this holiday season?