Sheila Jo Spencer

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There's more than one way to tie a clogging shoe.

Here in Ohio, the Millersport Sweet Corn Festival in September is a big deal for cloggers. According to the current schedule, about a dozen clogging teams will be performing, along with some square dance groups. I love events of this sort and I'm glad organizer Adam King of the Yellow Rose Cloggers keeps my team on the invite list!

Last year had an unexpected takeaway: a new way to tie shoes!  After performing, I gathered my stuff and sat to the side of backstage to watch the next team perform/get sweat mopped off my face/change shoes. As I switched from clogging shoes to sneakers and started to double knot, a lady tapped me on the shoulder.

"Let me show you a better way to do that, Honey."

The lady (dancer? family member of a dancer? random audience member?) showed me her method of tying shoes and swore the shoes would not come untied on their own. Her method initially felt awkward, but I gave it a try on my sneakers and then again at the next clogging practice, then again at EVERY clogging practice or show since because IT WORKS, PEOPLE!

If anyone has a clue who this sweet lady of the Sweet Corn Festival might be, please thank her for me!

If you are headed to Millersport Sweet Corn Festival this year, I will be dancing with Fancy Free Cloggers on Saturday, Sept 5 at 6:30pm. (At some point thereafter, you will find me enjoying an ear of roasted sweet corn! YUM!)

Here is a video of Sweet Corn Festival Lady's method:


Do YOU have any special tips/tricks for tying clogging shoes?
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