The world can certainly use more clogging books. This one throws in a pair of pet possums - what's not to love?!
Alfred the Possum: On the Road with the Green Grass Cloggers was written by Leanne E. Smith and illustrated by Madalyn McLeod. It is available in paperback and was published in 2015.
(I discovered this gem while researching a December post: Christmas Gifts For Cloggers! )
This children's book shares the history of the Green Grass Cloggers of North Carolina with a unique twist: the story is told from the perspective of their pet possum, Alfred! Other than the obvious fabrications needed to get inside the head of a possum, this is based on a true story.
Alfred the Possum is a delightful tale, with fun vocabulary words such as "whimmydiddle" and random possum facts sprinkled into the narrative.
I had one minor criticism about the book; further reflection forced me to withdraw it. The book carefully introduces many characters by both first and last names, yet they never appear again. It does slow the story. However, Ms. Smith deliberately included these details to pay tribute to folks who helped her team along the way, and I respect that.
The illustrations are beautiful! Ms. McLeod's ink drawings convey movement and emotion, drawing the reader further into the story. Two of my favorites:
Alfred is one smart possum! He learns from his clogging friends and manages to teach them a lesson or two in return. Alfred struggles with loneliness when he cannot find any other possums like him, but comes to a wonderful conclusion: "No one had to be like me for me to be okay the way I was." (Yes, I just quoted a possum.)
Alfred the Possum is a lovely addition to my bookshelf. If you wish to add it to yours, it is available from Amazon and Etsy.
(Disclosure: Amazon links on this page are affiliate links.)
I am not affiliated in any way with the author or illustrator of this book. This review reflects my honest opinion - I received no compensation. My only assist in writing this post came from Nellie No.
(Assist is a pretty strong word, but Nellie No demands credit, treats, and belly rubs for her contribution.)
Do YOU have a clogging book to recommend for future review?