Impressive high knees for pumpkins!
There's no punch line to follow this title, but it could very well describe the front row lineup of your Halloween clogging show this weekend!
While I won't be clogging at any Halloween events this year, I have done a few in my day. The costume you wear to a friend's party may NOT be the costume you should wear for performance!
Seven things to consider before taking the Halloween stage:
1. Practice dancing in your mask before showtime
Advantages of wearing a mask: ZERO work needed for make-up. Possibly no work needed for hair, depending on mask type. Can look super-creepy or super-funny!
Disadvantages of wearing a mask: It gets HOT in there! Will you be able to handle the heat and breathe? Vision may be limited - can you see well enough to be safe while clogging? Are you feeling claustrophobic?
A half mask may provide a more comfortable alternative.
2. Use caution with heavy make-up
Advantages: Can transform your face into a thing of beauty or a thing of horror, whatever look you're going for!
Disadvantages: Once you start sweating, things can get messy real quick!
3. Keep it covered
Halloween costume designers seem to believe women's costumes require the word "sexy" in front of them. Surely you don't want to be a nurse when you can be a sexy nurse. Or a sexy cop. Or a sexy minion. Or a sexy shark. (Not kidding. This costume exists.)
For most women, it's not enough to wear any old bra under your costume. Choose an outfit that accommodates your clogging bra. The costume should allow you to dance without fear of anything popping out.
If your costume includes a skirt, remember to add spankies!
4. Avoid duplication
Five Elsas in your show? That's probably four too many! Check with teammates before performance day to avoid multiples of a popular costume.
5. Assess durability
Will the straps on those fairy wings snap the first time you clap your hands? Choose a costume that will withstand the rigors of dancing.
6. Allow freedom of movement
Don't let your costume impair your performance! Make sure arms and legs can easily move through the range of motion required for all of your dances.
7. Choose accessories wisely
All parts of the costume should stay in place during the show without constant adjustment. This includes wigs and any accessories.
I hope you have a great time at your clogging shows this weekend!
Happy Halloween!
What are YOU wearing for Halloween? Share in the comments!