Let's get creative

In search of clogging at Jungle Jim's...

Folks who participate in other sports have no problem randomly finding items related to their hobbies. Soccer, basketball, football - there is STUFF everywhere! Clogging? Not so much!

My mother-in-law and nephew are visiting from Florida this week, and one of our activities was a trip to Jungle Jim's International Market in Cincinnati, OH. I decided to go on a search for clogging-related merchandise! 

Clogging Book Review: Alfred the Possum On the Road with the Green Grass Cloggers

The world can certainly use more clogging books. This one throws in a pair of pet possums - what's not to love?!

Alfred the Possum: On the Road with the Green Grass Cloggers was written by Leanne E. Smith and illustrated by Madalyn McLeod. It is available in paperback, and was published in 2015.

Christmas gifts for cloggers!

Shopping for cloggers can be tough. Retail stores generally don't have a clogging section, so a little creativity and fancy footwork may be required. Here are a few Christmas gift ideas for the cloggers in your life:

Adopt a cat, adopt a dog! Pet name ideas that show you clog.

Considering a new pet for the household this holiday season? Once you find that new family member, he or she needs a name.

Here are my suggestions for pet names inspired by clogging. Some are obvious choices; others are subtle references only understood by fellow cloggers.

Shake, wattle, and roll: a clogging turkey contest!

It started with an afternoon of simple practice drills. One of our dances for upcoming Christmas shows requires a group including several less-experienced cloggers to enter the stage doing triples as they move to their assigned spots.

We set aside practice time to focus on the concept of covering distance while performing accurate clogging steps. After several rounds of triples traveling across the room, we moved on to turkeys. That's when the real fun began!

NaNoWriMo: Not yet a clogging step, but check back with me on December 1st!

This week's post is about something different, but there IS a clogging tie-in, promise!

NaNoWriMo, short for National Novel Writing Month, takes place each November. The goal is to write a total of 50,000 words of your book in a month. (This may or may not actually complete a novel.)

Yours truly is giving it a go for the first time! I am not alone in this. At least one other clogger (Good luck to Kimberly in Dayton, Ohio!) is participating AND she's done it before.

Props to those who loan me props!

In addition to clogging, I perform as half of the comedy skit team Otis & Daisy.  Our skits tell the adventures of Daisy and her younger brother, Otis (played by clogging teammate Dustin Williams).

On many occasions, we need to borrow something random to use as a prop or complete a costume, and I've discovered the following:

1. My family and friends own weird stuff!

2. A little creativity goes a long way when coming up with props for cheap!

Here are ten examples: